
Thursday, March 24, 2011

#4 Beer Tap

Hello again. Glad to see that there are so many who comment on my posts. It makes me want to write more and more. In my last post, so I asked for your "to do in life thing" but received no response so I will continue to post my own list and I then see if there is someone who comments on a "to do in life thing" later.

There were many who liked the butter refrigerator so I continued in this kitchen area. This time there will be something you can drink ..

#4 Buy a beer tap for your kitchen! Now you do not go to the restaurant or bar to get beer from a beer tap, now you can just walk into the kitchen and pouring, just like a bar.



Jake said...

I could imagine the weird looks from company!

Daniel Andrade said...

well with this one i agree :D

Roygbiv said...

hahah how ridiculous. I know some people who'd be interested...

junior said...

I would never leave the house!

Jesper said...

Can be some problems when you go down the stairs..

Team Panda said...

dude i would kill to have a beer tap here, definitely one of the best inventions by man. (or woman, who knows)

MaxPower said...

Alcohol is the cause and solution to all life's problems :D

Blogger said...

There's a chance you are qualified for a free $250 IKEA Gift Card.

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